What Happens to my Driver’s License if I Have Been Charged With a DWI in Texas?

Cesar MontalvoDWI Law, Traffic Law

If you are suspected of an alcohol-related offense and refuse to take a breath or blood test, your driver’s license will be suspended if you’re over 21 and don’t ask for an Administrative License Revocation (ALR) Hearing within 15 days from the date of service of your DIC-23. After 40 days, a driver’s license will automatically get suspended on the …

Where do I go to Resolve a Traffic Violation?

Cesar MontalvoTraffic Law

Oftentimes when we are driving and get pulled over for a traffic violation, we never think in terms of jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is the authority of a Texas court to summon you for the allegation of an offense. If you ever wonder why you have to go to the court that you are appointed to instead of the one nearest your …

Why Hire a Traffic Ticket Lawyer?

Cesar MontalvoTraffic Law

This area of law generally involves Class C misdemeanors that fall within the Transportation Code. Convictions of these sorts can have adverse and prejudicial effects on your ability to keep your license. We aim to keep our clients driving and to set you up for a better outcome in case you get stopped again. Why Not Just Pay Your Traffic …